Columbus, OH
What a year it’s been.
In this country, we’ve got one side of the political spectrum living in an alternate reality.
And what’s sad is, it doesn’t matter which side you might be on, there’s a good chance you think I’m talking about the other side.
But I’m going to try and keep this away from politics.
Away from how the sociopaths that are attracted to run for office…
And those who like to spout opinions as facts on the evening “news” channels…
How they are all intent on dividing the majority of the population.
Distract us with emotional buttons that get us all riled up…
Angry at some straw dog that they are claiming is the cause of all that is wrong in the world…
So we don’t see what’s really going on, and how they are using their position to enrich themselves at the behest of those who’s best interest they claim to be looking out for.
They aren’t.
They’re only in it for themselves.
We don’t matter.
Well, we do, but only in the sense that we are who they are trying to con.
And like any good con-man, their goal is to extract as much as they can from us before they have to go in search of another sucker.
In other words, the divide in this country has been constructed to keep us distracted from the looting that is going on behind the façade.
So let’s turn and talk about something else.
I don’t know how well known this year’s Christmas song may be.
I know I grew up hearing it a lot at this time of year.
But that could be thanks to a sibling who was very much into Broadway show tunes.
Yet I have distinct memories of hearing one of the rat-pack singing this among our family’s collection of Christmas music that was the soundtrack of our house this time of year.
And those memories are always of it being sung as a happy, swinging-good-time type of song.
Which I think is wrong.
It’s not a happy-go-lucky song.
It’s a melancholy song.
It’s an “I’m getting older and I’m not happy about it” song.
It’s an “it’s been a depressing year and I need a distraction” type of song.
So that’s what I tried to make it.
Only I took a different approach than I usually do.
Normally, I would have changed it from a major key, to a minor key.
Making subtle changes to the melody.
But not this time.
This time I tried to make this change without altering the melody.
Instead, I just reharmonized it, casting the same melody against a darker, more minor chord progression.
Well, progressions.
As usual, I couldn’t stick to one.
Then I put it at the top of my vocal range…
So I would have trouble reaching the higher notes…
And recorded the vocals very early in the morning…
Before my voice was warmed up.
Hopefully it produced the effect I was going for.
And I’m going to leave it here…
This year’s Twisted Christmas song is…
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